Back Squats are a wonderful exercise for a number of reasons. First, it works that good old posterior chain: gluts and hamstrings and I know I could use the work there! Secondly, any kind of weight lifting has been proven to be great for building bone density and, if you're a female, this is very important since we tend to loose that quicker than the boys do. Thirdly, squats take form and concentration. This is one great way to wear your body out physically to prepare for a good, solid night of sleep ;)
Here is how I performed this exercise:
70 lbs including the bar (bar, 2 10's, and 2 2.5's). I've worked up to this weight, which might be way too light of a load for you, so work at the load of weight that works for where you're at.
7 reps in the first set, rest 1-2 minutes (preferably less time), 6 reps in the next set, rest, 5, rest, 4, rest, and so on down to 1 rep in the last set.
The key to any kind of squat is getting your thighs below parallel. This will give you a full, deep squat, which really targets the hamstrings and gluts. Really, though, this is a full body exercise and you'll feel it in your hips, abdominal region, upper and lower back (stability muscles for this exercise), and possibly even your calves. Focus on good form: beach chest (pop out those girls!), shoulders back and down, tight/taut back, toes slightly pointed outward and about shoulder width apart, sit back and down when squatting, and thrust hips forward and squeeze gluts when coming back up.
Sometimes I just crave getting under the bar. I believe that my body has built up a good auto-response to weight lifting. It expects that I will do it and yearns for it.
Now, if you don't have a bar and weights to use or are just a beginner, you could do air squats like this:
Again, be sure to use proper form. If you can't get to parallel or below parallel, get as low as you can and work your way to getting lower in the squat. Additionally, use a rail or solid object to brace yourself in the event that you need something to stabilize you as you perform the exercise.
If you feel that you can do squats with some weight, but don't have access to a gym or bar, then I would suggest loading up a back pack with flour, rice bags, or whatever you have lying around that could be used as weight in the bag and then performing the squats.
The second exercise in today's challenge is alternating Pull Ups and Chin Ups. I use bands to assist in a Pull-Up and Chin-Up as I am not able to complete even one of either without assist at this point, but I'm working up to it.
I put my feet in the handles of my straps, but you could also use them like this . |
Here are what my bands look like:

I was able to complete 3, 4, 2 for Pull-Ups and 3, 2, 2 for Chin-Ups. Not much, but I was running out of time and doing my sets back to back, so I believe I could bust out more given time.
If you don't have this equipment, complete sets of Push-Ups: normal form if possible and from the knees if need be. This way you're still working your upper body for today's challenge.
Get moving and enjoy the benefits of using the body God gave you!