Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Skipper's 3/29 Challenge: Pull/Chin Ups x50

Can you do 50 pull and/or chin ups in a set? I hate you!

For the rest of us, this is an all day challenge. Do 50 pull and/or chin ups during the day. The number of sets and reps doesn't matter; just see to it that you get over the bar for the 50th time by day's end.

These exercises are basically just pulling yourself up from a dead hang; at least chin over the bar, but try to touch your chest to the bar when you come up (I can only do that on the chin ups; almost there on the pull ups). Pull ups are palms away, and chin ups are palms towards you. Pull ups ought to have your hands slightly wider than shoulder width, and chin ups hands slightly narrower than shoulder width.

Get that chest up to the bar, pretty boy!

This is where your chin ups should terminate.

Proper arm width for the pull up.

I'm blessed to have access to a pull up bar at work, so I did most of these throughout the work day. I did them all in alternating sets of five, alternating pull ups and chin ups. Basically, a set of five pull ups, then a set of five chin ups, then a set of five pull ups, etc. I hit 50 by the end of the work day (25 total pull ups, 25 total chin ups).

The great thing about this challenge is that you can easily do it along with another workout for the day.

Happy pulling!

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